==================== Command line scripts ==================== convgeom ======== Command line script for converting geometries between formats. Usage ----- To convert from one format to another:: convgeom input_file output_file [options] By default, the input format is determined from the file structure and the output format is set by the file extension. Options ------- ``-i, --in-format`` The input format (xyz, col, gdat, ...) ``-o, --out-format`` The output format (xyz, col, gdat, ...) ``-iu, --in-units`` The input distance units (ang, bohr, ...) ``-ou, --out-units`` The output distance units (ang, bohr, ...) ``-c, --has-comment`` Boolean argument, whether or not comment is read ``-v, --has-vector`` Boolean argument, whether or not vector is read measure ======= Command line script for measuring internal coordinates from a geometry file. Usage ----- To measure a coordinate for one or multiple geometries in an input file:: measure input_file coord_type {inds} [options] The number of indices must match the coordinate type (e.g. 2 for stre, 3 for bend, ...). Options ------- ``-f, --format`` The input file format (xyz, col, gdat, ...) ``-u, --units`` The output units (auto, ang, rad, ...) ``-a, --absolute`` Boolean argument, if present returns absolute values ``-o, --output`` The output filename. Defaults to writing to stdout ``-v, --val-format`` The format of an output value, given as a format string subst ===== Command line script for adding substituents to a geometry file. Usage ----- To add a substituent to all geometries in an input file:: subst input_file sublbl {inds} [options] The inds mark which position is substituted. If multiple indices are given, the first will be the position of the substituent. Options ------- ``-i, --in-place`` Boolean argument, whether or not the geometry file is overwritten. ``-b, --bond-ind`` The index of the atom bound to the substituent. If not specified, the nearest atom is used. ``-p, --plane-ind`` The index of the atom used to specify the xz-plane of the substituent. The substituent index, bonding index and plane index make up the plane. ``-f, --format`` The input/output format (xyz, col, gdat, ...) ``-c, --has-comment`` Boolean argument, whether or not comment is read. ``-v, --has-vector`` Boolean argument, whether or not vector is read. nudge ===== Command line script for translating/rotating/reflecting a geometry file. Usage ----- To displace a molecule about/along a given axis:: nudge input_file amp axis_string [options] The axis (and origin, if given) is parsed based on :class:`displace.VectorParser`, which interprets integers as indices of the cartesian coordinates and includes scalar and vector operations. Options ------- ``-i, --in-place`` Boolean argument, whether or not the geometry file is overwritten. ``-t, --translate`` Boolean argument, whether or not translate is used instead of rotate. ``-n, --indices`` Indices to displace, given as a string of integers separated by spaces. ``-u, --units`` Units for displacement amplitude. ``-r, --reflect`` Boolean argument, whether rotation is proper or improper. ``-o, --origin`` String defining the origin of rotation. ``-f, --format`` The input/output format (xyz, col, gdat, ...) ``-c, --has_comment`` Boolean argument, whether or not comment is read. ``-v, --has-vector`` Boolean argument, whether or not vector is read.